The de-saturated and grainy look is a reference to the original 1974 documentary. Hairs in the gate, dirt, scratches were all kept in as this was the goal. A great example of a look that can not be faked any other way. Best way is by shooting the original 8mm format.
About Us
Finding that there is a lack of support for affordable high resolution transfers, I began researching my own ways to do it. I shot a few short films and soon thereafter other filmmakers began approaching me wondering how I got my super 8 to look so good... 5 years have passed and with the support of other cinematographers, I created our little studio called Frame Discreet. Our custom super 8 and 16mm transfers have us trusted by archivists and filmmakers all across North America.
Our team of cinematographers (listed below) act as a collective, inspiring each other on and off set. We have a full range of experience working on features (Max Payne, The Hulk) to music videos (Hayden, Emily Haines), to Documentaries (CBC, YTV, MTV, Bravo!). Having our own gear and being able to supervise transfers in house allows us the freedom to create desireable 'film looks' at a much more affordable rate. In the end, we're trying to make it easier to collaborate, work with film and keep doin' what we love.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Super 8 Transfer - CERVELO AD
The de-saturated and grainy look is a reference to the original 1974 documentary. Hairs in the gate, dirt, scratches were all kept in as this was the goal. A great example of a look that can not be faked any other way. Best way is by shooting the original 8mm format.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Transfer Samples -Super 8
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Transfer Samples - Super 8
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
2006 Cinematographer Demo Reel
My demo reel from 2006. Stumbled across it in my archives, figured I'd share it with you guys. All film originated. Mix of super 8 and 16mm.
Cinematographer: Justin Lovell
Format: Super 8, 16mm
Monday, November 17, 2008
Transfer Samples -Super 8
Emily Haines "Our Hell"
Video shot by our super talented cinematographer Mike Leblanc. Shot with a military issue infra-red camera. Nominated for the UK Music Video Award. Currently up for best music video in Poland's CAMERIMAGE. Recent award winners include Sven Nykvist, Vilmos Zigmond, Owen Roizmen, etc. He has also been requested to speak on a panel about his work as a cinematographer. Pumped for Leblanc and his recognition by this esteemed festival.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
super 8 transfer comparison

A client bring us footage to have re-transferred after having it done at a different transfer house. The image looks muddy and flat, like a VHS dub. The problem was the equipment that the other transfer house was using. Take a look at the detail in the watch and the overall color rendition in our transfer on the right. (click to enlarge)
We take pride in the custom work we do here. If you think you're getting a wicked deal somewhere else, it may be too good to be true. Do your research, as we have!
super 8 transfer stills

Some stills from a recent transfer for Homegrown skateboards. Wicked group of guys producing their own custom skates and videos out of Nova Scotia.
Stock: 7218 500T + 64t Cross-processed
Format: Super 8mm
Processing: Niagara Custom Lab
Transfer: 8 bit upcompresed QT files
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Super 16 - Gadfly Trailer
Trailer for "Unbearable Prospect".
A super talented group of dancers from Gadfly Dance Company Toronto. Shot their performance on Super 16. Edited by Ofilio Coto Portillo. Features Jesse 'Jester' Caitbog from So You Think You Can Dance Canada. Watch out for them...
Camera: Eclair NPR s16mm
Format: S16mm
Stock: Fuji Eterna 500T (expired stock)
Cinematographers: Justin Lovell
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Super 8 -64T cross processed
Camera: Canon 1014xls (max 8)
Stock: Ektachrome 64T
Processing: Niagara Custom Lab
Transfer: Frame Discreet - colourist Justin Lovell
Cinematographer: Justin Lovell
Monday, October 13, 2008
Transfer stills- Super 16

Recent short film titled "Spores". Directed by Peter Huang. Dark and bloody. Has a great look to it created by frame discreet cinematographer Barry Cheong. Peter came and hung out here supervising the transfer and the look of the images. Note to all camera assistants- be sure the lens/lens mount is seated correctly. The slightest fraction of a loose mount can throw the focus out completely.
Camera: Eclair NPR, Zeiss 11.5-115
Stock: Kodak 7219 500t
Cinematographer: Barry Cheong
Transfer stills- Super 16

Overcast rainy day held back a lot of the bboys from showin' up. Between the rain, these raw dancers were throwin down representing Toronto to the fullest. I love the tonal range that this stock has on skin tones, super sexy when exposed correctly. Did I mention you can get 1000' of this stock for under $200 direct from Kodak...?
Cinematographer: Justin Lovell
Stock: 3374 High con (processed as neg)
Camera: Eclair NPR, canon 25-100, Kinoptik 5.7
Transfer stills- Super 16
Thursday, October 2, 2008
On Location- RED one BRAVO! short "Becoming"

7 days of putting the RED one to a real field test. Some great features on this camera including 'false color' which maps out the your IRE values (clipping/shadows/midtones) on the screen in a color scheme. Anything overexposed/clipping goes RED, Midtones are shades of yellow and underexposure is shades of blue. Fantastic tool.
We recorded 4k images to a Compact Flash (CF) card at times to save weight on our 10' EZFX jib arm.
90% of the footage was a beautifully choreographed dance between the actress, the dolly, the jib and the remote head's movement. Required 3 operators working together in harmony to pull it together. Keep your eyes out for this short... the visuals are stunning...
Visual effects by internationally renound Carlos Lascano.
Production Company: Wandering Eye Productions
Camera: RED ONE 4k, PL Mount, Zeiss Primes
Cinematographer: Guy Godfree
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
On Location- METRIC - Documentary

Got pulled on board with talented Toronto cinematographer John Price to work on a music series to be aired on IFC. We shot the recording of the new Acustic Album that Jimmy Shaw and Emily Haines are working on. Sounded amazing and looked beautiful. Lit with 100W diffused practical lights with no fill. Director Bruce MacDonald had us shooting some very powerful tight shots of couple as they subtly interacted during their recordings. Going to be an awesome album. I remember Jimmy stating something about how if people can't listen to their music around a campfire then really what good are they...?
Camera: (3) HVX-200 720p,
Cinematographer: John Price, (B cam) Justin Lovell
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
On Location- NYC, Sonya Kitchell Music Video

Frame Discreet cinematographers Guy Godfree and Justin Lovell got out for an awesome time out with the CHOP WOOD CARRY WATER crew in NYC. Shooting Sonya Kitchell in "here to there", fresh off her European tour with Herbie Hancock. 2 days of shooting, 3 days of prep and scouting. RedRock adapter can produce some great results, however I wasn't totally impressed by it. Seemed to have a lack of sharpness at the edges of frame, and knocks the light level down to an equivalent of 80ASA. Made use of our newest tool, the LED 1000 from Flolight. Was a real asset. 1000W output, 100w power draw. Excellent for car interiors.
Production Company: Chop Wood Carry Water
Camera: HVX-200 720p, RedRock Micro Adapter, Nikon Primes
Cinematographer: Guy Godfree